I also really liked fantasy. I remember the first book that turned me onto fantasy was "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis. Reading and watching things of a fantasy genre was very engaging for me because I love allowed my mind to get lost in the story and put myself in the middle of the tale.
After reading the article "The Case Against College," im can understand where Dale Stephens is coming from. I do agree that people go to college to get a degree just to find a job where they may not necessarily enjoy. Some people look for jobs just for the sake of jobs and making money. I am all for making money and becoming successful but, I much rather get there by doing something I enjoy rather than coasting through life bored with my profession. Growing up, I never really saw not going to college as an option because it just was a norm that I was a part of. However, if I had the chance of finding what I wanted to do and I knew I could really enjoy it and make something out of it, actually going to college would be be put into consideration. College is suppose to be more than getting a degree, it is about finding out about yourself and if that does not take all four years and someone can rationally make the decision, college may not be necessary.
My views, however, are not shared by everyone in the world, including employers. This is what makes me so torn about the subject because it seems so hard for someone to get a job these days even with a bachelors degree. What chance would someone without a degree at all have on the job market. Even though I believe college may not be the most necessary thing, it may not be so true in a reality.