Wednesday, November 2, 2011


After handing in our first draft of assignment #3, and discussing how to argue a certain point within a paper, I am not as confident about my paper as I was. When I wrote my rough draft, I have to admit, I was completely lost. I really didn't have any good ideas and I just wrote what I thought about Ken Robinson's idea that school kills creativity with the use of so many standardized tests. I was even embarrassed to give my paper away for other people to read because I just really didn't like. However, reading other people's paper helped me a lot. It gave me a real guide as to what I can put into my paper. The group discussion of the two papers also helped me a lot in coming up with an idea. When I was writing the paper, I had a feeling of a little constraint because I always felt as though I should explain a lot more but it wouldn't fit within the 1250 word limit. It is partially my fault but I felt as though I left a lot out of the paper that would be important for the reader to witness. When we were discussing, in class, what would be an effective way to argue the point I was trying to make, I thought my paper did not fulfill those requirements. This assignment was definitely one of the harder essays we had to do and I will have to wait until the first drafts come in before I make any more decisions about changing my papper.

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