Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I thought reading the different essays this week that dealt with literacy events were very interesting.  Everyone wonders about their future and what it holds for them. It was nice to read about other people's lives an event can cause them to change the way they view and live life. I read two essays where the people interviewed changed in a positive way which was a pleasant read;however, I am interested in reading an essay about how a person maybe did not change in the most positive way. Sharing something like this would probably difficult for the person and I do not personally know anyone who has experienced this, but I wonder what a person who became very critical of life would say if they were asked the questions we asked for this essay. What I also think would be very interesting is seeing something go through a literacy event more than one time in their life. I believe life is very long and it is definitely capable for someone to go through more than one change in their lifetime. I, again, do not know anyone like this so I wondering how a person would describe multiple changes in their lives and caused them to view the world in multiple ways.

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